Apr 5, 2023
Bay City Service Center

Make Spring Your Season for a New Cabin Air Filter

When you have a new, clean cabin air filter in your family’s Honda, you and your fellow passengers will appreciate the high-quality air that fills the interior of the vehicle. With spring in full effect in mid-Michigan, we all want to avoid triggering allergies and other annoying issues that come from airborne irritants such as dust, pollen, and other tiny debris. Thelen Honda in Bay City, MI, wants to help get your cabin air filter replaced just in time for the heavy pollen counts in Michigan. Request an appointment with our Service Center today by calling 989-671-1150 to speak with a technician!

Why Should You Replace Your Cabin Air Filter?

Better Air Quality – When creating the best cruising environment in your family’s Honda, the air that you and your family members breathe adds to the experience. With a new cabin air filter installed, you can expect clean air that is free of all the outdoor irritants you don’t want to inhale. If you haven’t had your cabin air filter replaced recently, you might notice that the air quality in your vehicle isn’t as clean as it could be. Get your vehicle in for a service appointment as soon as possible!

Better Functioning Climate Control – You and your family aren’t the only ones that directly benefit from a new cabin air filter. A clogged filter makes it more difficult for the climate control system in your Honda to operate at peak efficiency. The less air that flows through the system, the harder it has to work to keep you and your family cool as the temperatures rise. As such, the start of spring is a great time to have the filter replaced before the temperatures become too high to cruise without your air conditioning at full power.