Oct 28, 2020
Winter Driving

Snowy weather will be here soon and now is the perfect time to get your Honda vehicle ready for the challenges it brings.  Bringing your vehicle into a trusted Honda dealership with a team of knowledgeable service technicians who know your vehicle is the most important decision to make.  Here at Thelen Honda in Bay City, Michigan we have an amazing team of service techs ready to assist you.  Make an appointment with our online scheduler here, or give us a call at 989-671-1150 to schedule your appointment today! 

There are many parts of your vehicle that need to be maintained in order to protect you and your passengers while driving on snow and ice.  First and foremost are your vehicle’s tires!  If your tread is looking low, it is time to replace them as the tread provides you grip and traction on slippery roads.  If you need to replace tires, our service tech can help you weigh the pros and cons of choosing all-season tires or specific snow tires.  If you are not replacing your tires, it is important to check your tire pressure and keep them up to their recommended level.  The pressure levels in your tires help you with control and handling. 

Fluid levels need to be checked and topped up if low.  If it has been awhile, the fluids should be changed since fresh fluids perform more efficiently.   If you have not had an oil change recently, it is important to keep up with those maintenances.  You will want your windshield wiper fluid filled to be ready for snow.  You should also replace your windshield wipers if they are old and do not cleanly wipe away rain or snow from your windshield. 

Lastly, your battery should be tested, especially if you have not had it replaced in the past two years.  Our service techs can run a test on your current battery to check its ability.  If needed, they will recommend the best battery for your Honda vehicle!